Thursday, October 25, 2012

How To Guarantee Your Email Marketing Success - Business ...

If you want to succeed online, you need to have a list. This is the basic foundation of Internet Marketing. Most people know this. Most of the time, people will be told that the money is in the list ? no list, no money! While this is extreme there is a nugget of truth in there. To earn a big profit on the Internet, you must have a list. Typically, e-mailing your list will generate the most cash, even over a profitable site that has a lot of traffic. Hopefully you understand that e-mail marketing is much more than sending a link to your list for them to purchase your product.

This does not mean that you send out random e-mails and you will make millions. There are a couple things to worry about initially including whether or not your e-mails reach the people that have subscribed, and if you can leverage your list appropriately with what you send. As you continue to read, we will share with you several strategies that are very beneficial for anyone trying to do profitable e-mail marketing on the Internet.

You will learn how to do this, though it will take a little bit of time to do it well. For instance, you need to learn what words make your subscribers curious, and those that turn them off. Learning how to create a subject line devoid of hype is essential to this business. It is definitely well worth it.

This is something we have to say that you probably already know. Content matters a lot. The composition of your e-mails should be based upon good content for your subscribers. Whatever you sent should be, at the very least, interesting enough for your subscribers to read.

E-mail marketing will feel like it is worth your time, especially if you are composing e-mails that you are sending to people who will actually respond.

There are lots of things to think about and pay attention to when you want to get into email marketing. This is not about blasting out e-mails to everyone on your list hoping that they will buy something you have to offer. So if you want to make money with e-mail marketing, you must understand that it is similar to an art form, very subtle yet profitable if done right. These steps, hopefully, will help you go in the right direction as you build your list.

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Workouts in extreme weight-loss TV fuel negative attitudes about exercise, study finds

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? The Biggest Loser might be a TV ratings winner, but its extreme depiction of exercise is more likely to turn people off than get them off the couch, according to new research from the University of Alberta.

Researchers in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation found that watching a short video clip of the Biggest Loser fueled negative attitudes toward exercise, raising further questions about how physical activity is shown in the popular media.

"The depictions of exercise on shows like The Biggest Loser are really negative," said lead author Tanya Berry, Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity Promotion. "People are screaming and crying and throwing up, and if you're not a regular exerciser you might think this is what exercise is -- that it's this horrible experience where you have to push yourself to the extremes and the limits, which is completely wrong."

In the study, 138 undergraduate students from the U of A were split into two groups. One group watched a seven-minute clip -- chosen for its extreme depiction of exercise -- from early in The Biggest Loser's ninth season, when competitors were struggling with obesity. A control group watched a segment from the reality show American Idol.

Immediately after viewing the clips, participants from both groups were asked to write down their first five thoughts. Students also completed a computer test that measured their automatic attitudes about exercise before they had time to think about the question, plus a hand-written questionnaire.

"We did find that the people who watched The Biggest Loser had worse attitudes about physical activity than those who watched the American Idol clip," said Berry, adding that the results were consistent no matter participants' physical activity levels or weight.

Berry said the results debunk the belief held by some researchers and many in the popular media that shows like The Biggest Loser can be motivational and get people off the couch. In fact, the negative portrayals of exercise are counterproductive to public health campaigns.

"There's a lot of effort and good work out there just to get people more active, but it's such a small voice in this big wash of different depictions of exercise. It's a big mess."

Berry's research team is now working on a further study that focuses on followup episodes of the Biggest Loser that feature participants who have lost weight, are physically fit and enjoy exercise. Those results should be published next year.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta. The original article was written by Bryan Alary.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Tanya R. Berry, Nicole C. McLeod, Melanie Pankratow, Jessica Walker. Effects of 'Biggest Loser' Exercise Depictions on Exercise-Related Attitudes. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2013; 37 (1): 96 DOI: 10.5993/AJHB.37.1.11

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Massachusetts' Assisted Suicide Proposal: Concerns on Question 2 ...

Con?cerns on Ques?tion?2

by Jacque?line Har?vey, Ph.D. | Boston, MA | | 10/24/12 1:47?PM

The 2012 ?Act Rel?a?tive to Death with Dig?nity? goes before Mass?a?chu?setts vot?ers on Novem?ber 6. Ques?tion 2 asks vot?ers directly whether to legal?ize physician-assisted sui?cide (PAS) or uphold exist?ing state statutes. If vot?ers affirm Ques?tion 2, Mass?a?chu?setts would join Ore?gon, Wash?ing?ton and Mon?tana as the only states in the U.S. to allow this prac?tice. Recent stud?ies on PAS in these states paint a reveal?ing por?trait of what would tran?spire in Mass?a?chu?setts if vot?ers approve Ques?tion 2. How?ever, unlike cit?i?zens of Ore?gon who passed the first ?Death with Dig?nity Act? in 1997, vot?ers in Mass?a?chu?setts have the ben?e?fit of learn?ing the actual out?comes of such leg?is?la?tion in other states. Vot?ers now have access to numer?ous stud?ies that both vin?di?cate oppo?nents? pre?dic?tions about PAS and present even more concerns.

Con?cern 1: Denial of Pal?lia?tive Care Coverage

Ore?gon and Wash?ing?ton impose report?ing require?ments for PAS, and while there are only three years of data from Wash?ing?ton (Washington?s ?Death with Dig?nity? Act took effect in 2009), objec?tive stud?ies done in both states sup?port many of the fears listed by oppo?nents of Mass?a?chu?setts? ?Death with Dig?nity? Ini?tia?tive. Oppo?nents pre?dicted in 1997 that states that legal?ize PAS may coax and coerce unwill?ing patients toward end?ing their lives by lim?it?ing or deny?ing pal?lia?tive care. While PAS pro?po?nents have since cited increased spend?ing on pal?lia?tive care as evi?dence that oppo?nents were incor?rect, other reports con?firm oppo?nents? fears, par?tic?u?larly inci?dents where ter?mi?nally ill cit?i?zens were told by state med?ical plan author?i?ties that they would not pay the cost of pain-control, but would cover the cost of their sui?cides. Another study indi?cated that 24 per?cent of patients who chose PAS reported that they did not have ade?quate finances to cover expen?di?tures for med?ical care and equip?ment, in spite of the fact that 98 per?cent of respon?dents had health insur?ance. Fears that PAS may not be freely cho?sen by patients but instead rep?re?sent a last act of des?per?a?tion are sup?ported by this evidence.

Con?cern 2: Inher?i?tance and Other Finan?cial Incentives

PAS pro?po?nents attempt to refute oppo?nents? claim that PAS would dis?pro?por?tion?ately tar?get the vul?ner?a?ble, cit?ing the fact that peo?ple who have taken their own lives are bet?ter edu?cated and more finan?cially sta?ble than the gen?eral pop?u?la?tion. Oppo?nents reply that this high?lights another grave con?cern, finan?cial abuse of the elderly, sug?gest?ing that those patients who have a sig?nif?i?cant estate may feel com?pelled to die in order to leave their prop?erty to their heirs. A recent study of patients receiv?ing PAS in Ore?gon and Wash?ing?ton demon?strates that PAS may not be used to ben?e?fit the patient, but the patient?s fam?ily. One study employed a ?Qual?ity of Death and Dying Ques?tion?naire? that exam?ined patient pain and other symp?toms as well as readi?ness for death, anx?i?ety and mood[1]. The study indi?cated that patients choos?ing PAS did not report a higher qual?ity of death than those dying nat?u?rally, but rather that the patient?s fam?ily mem?bers did indi?cate a higher qual?ity of death on some items. Addi?tional research also found that care?givers of patients in both Ore?gon and Wash?ing?ton who ended their lives by PAS were them?selves suf?fer?ing from sub?stan?tial finan?cial and health-related harms: 37 per?cent had lost income because of care?giv?ing (18 per?cent had had to quit their pay?ing jobs), 12 per?cent had become ill them?selves while care?giv?ing, 29 per?cent had delayed plans for them?selves or their fam?i?lies, 23 per?cent stated that their social lives suf?fered fre?quently, 20 per?cent com?plained that they often did not have enough time for them?selves, 33 per?cent fre?quently felt stressed because of care?giv?ing, and 24 per?cent were clin?i?cally depressed. Although respon?dents claim that none of these fac?tors was asso?ci?ated with the deci?sion to end the patient?s life, Wash?ing?ton State reported in 2011 that over half of respon?dents choos?ing PAS men?tioned ?con?cerns about being a bur?den? as a rea?son for choos?ing to take their own lives. This evi?dence over?whelm?ingly sug?gests that oppo?nents? fears of patient coer?cion are well-founded and that patients may not choose PAS in their best inter?est, but rather in the per?ceived best inter?est of oth?ers???many of whom stand to gain from a patient?s ear?lier demise.

Con?cern 3: Adverse Impact on the Disabled

Addi?tion?ally, an exhaus?tive analy?sis of 11 years of reports on Oregon?s statute failed to quiet the ongo?ing out?cry regard?ing the pos?si?bil?ity that PAS unduly tar?gets per?sons with dis?abil?i?ties. This panel of schol?ars exam?ined all avail?able lit?er?a?ture on Oregon?s Death with Dig?nity Act and ulti?mately deter?mined that physi?cians may bias their assess?ments of the qual?ity or wor?thi?ness of life with a dis?abil?ity and influ?ence the rec?om?men?da?tion regard?ing life-sustaining treat?ment options. The authors agree with many oppo?nents of PAS who note the poten?tial for abuse due to the lack of over?sight of or penal?ties for rogue physi?cians who choose not to report assisted sui?cides to the proper authorities.

Con?cern 4: Mis?taken Diag?noses and Life Expectancy

Along with a lack of over?sight and account?abil?ity for physi?cians, a review of stud?ies also deter?mined that physi?cians? med?ical diag?noses were often incor?rect, both in declar?ing a patient to have a ter?mi?nal con?di?tion and esti?mat?ing their life expectancy at six months or fewer. A prog?no?sis of only six months equals 180 days max?i?mum, and yet Oregon?s report indi?cates the num?ber of days between writ?ing the lethal pre?scrip?tion and the patient?s actual death ranged from zero to 698 days (nearly two years). Another study of physi?cians who were will?ing to pre?scribe the lethal dose found that 27 per?cent were not con?fi?dent that they could deter?mine if a patient only had six months or fewer to live. One report dis?cusses a PAS oppo?nent from Ore?gon who was told that she had only six months to one year to live; today, over 11 years later, she is still alive. Addi?tion?ally, since many peo?ple sur?vive in spite of ter?mi?nal prog?no?sis, and since the median num?ber of days between the writ?ing of a lethal pre?scrip?tion and the patient?s death is seven, it is unknown how many of these patients would have actu?ally died within the six-month time?frame or any?thing close to it. There is also the report that many patients opt?ing to end their lives suf?fer from treat?able depres?sion and physi?cians report that patients for whom inter?ven?tions were made (like treat?ing depres?sion) were more likely to change their minds about want?ing to end their lives. One ana?lyst, after exam?in?ing Oregon?s most recent annual report, found that physi?cians who pre?scribe the lethal med?ica?tions are fail?ing to refer for nec?es?sary psy?chi?atric eval?u?a?tions of patients, many of whom might recon?sider sui?cide if prop?erly treated. This prompts the ques?tion of how many peo?ple freely choose PAS or are pres?sured into the deci?sion by neg?a?tive cir?cum?stances, espe?cially cir?cum?stances for which there is some or com?plete relief.

Con?cern 5: Medico-Professional Oppo?si?tion to?PAS

Despite media por?tray?als of oppo?si?tion to PAS as based pri?mar?ily on moral or reli?gious grounds, data reaf?firms that the most endur?ing oppo?nents of PAS are physi?cians. The Amer?i?can Med?ical Asso?ci?a?tion has not wavered in its oppo?si?tion to PAS and states, ?Physician-assisted sui?cide is fun?da?men?tally incom?pat?i?ble with the physician?s role as healer, would be dif?fi?cult or impos?si?ble to con?trol, and would pose seri?ous soci?etal risks.? The med?ical community?s staunch oppo?si?tion to PAS is regarded as a major rea?son why no state leg?is?la?ture has legal?ized PAS despite more than 120 attempts, as over?whelm?ing expert tes?ti?mony against this prac?tice has suc?ceeded in per?suad?ing leg?is?la?tors across party lines of its demon?strated dan?gers. Leg?isla?tive attempts failed in Mon?tana in 2009, where PAS was only legal?ized by court decree. Indeed, bal?lot ini?tia?tives were approved in Ore?gon (1994) and Wash?ing?ton (2008), fol?low?ing years of failed leg?isla?tive attempts. Like?wise, pro?posed bills failed in the Mass?a?chu?setts leg?is?la?ture in 1995, 1997, 2009 and, most recently, 2011 and 2012. Hav?ing failed to con?vince leg?is?la?tors, PAS pro?po?nents in Mass?a?chu?setts hope to legal?ize PAS by appeal?ing to a pop?u?lace that is largely unfa?mil?iar with the con?se?quences in states with this deadly law on the other side of the nation. There is over?whelm?ing sci?en?tific evi?dence and human expe?ri?ence val?i?dat?ing the dan?gers of PAS, and Mass?a?chu?setts vot?ers have a respon?si?bil?ity to access as much of this crit?i?cal infor?ma?tion as pos?si?ble before they go the polls. This includes knowl?edge of the text of the pro?posed statute which, like Ore?gon and Washington?s, oppo?nents note fails to impose over?sight of physi?cians in order to pre?vent abuses.


PAS has never been legal?ized when sub?jected to the legal and sci?en?tific scrutiny of a leg?is?la?ture with the abil?ity to exam?ine years of research that has estab?lished the dam?age these statutes have caused. More?over, no stud?ies have been com?pleted that sug?gest any ben?e?fits of PAS, let alone ben?e?fits that would jus?tify coax?ing or coerc?ing vul?ner?a?ble patients to kill them?selves for the ben?e?fit of oth?ers, tak?ing the lives of those with?out ter?mi?nal ill?nesses, and killing peo?ple who may have years left to live. No research exists to demon?strate that patients are ben?e?fit?ted by PAS. Rather, stud?ies to date have uncov?ered addi?tional neg?a?tive con?se?quences beyond those most rou?tinely cited in oppo?si?tion to this prac?tice. Mass?a?chu?setts vot?ers should make every effort to obtain the evi?dence and weigh it for them?selves as they go to the polls and ren?der their judg?ment on Ques?tion 2 this Novem?ber?6.

*See also pre?vi?ous CLI blog on Oregon?s 2012 Annual PAS Report.

Life?News Note: Jacque?line Har?vey, Ph.D.
is a bioethi?cist and pub?lic pol?icy scholar whose research pri?mar?ily focuses on end-of-life leg?is?la?tion, par?tic?u?larly state poli?cies that allow the forced removal of life-sustaining med?ical treat?ment against patient wishes. Her train?ing includes a Ph.D. in Pub?lic Admin?is?tra?tion and an M.S. in Social Work. Dr. Har?vey cur?rently works in Texas as a pol?icy ana?lyst and inde?pen?dent eval?u?a?tor, ana?lyz?ing the effec?tive?ness of gov?ern?ment social wel?fare grants and human ser?vice pro?grams for non-profit organizations.


[1] Smith, KA, Goy, ER, Havath, TA, Ganzini, L. Qual?ity of death and dying in patients who request physician-assisted death. Jour?nal of Pal?lia?tive Med?i?cine. 14,4.?2011.

Arti?cle source:

Tags: Assisted Suicide, Political, Prolife


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Washington State Poet Laureate teaches power of poetry to Whidbey students, public

South Whidbey Record Reporter
October 19, 2012 ? Updated 3:26 PM?

Inspired by growing up near the Hanford Nuclear Site and her own everyday life events, Kathleen Flenniken became not just any poet but a poet devoted to expanding the understanding of poetry throughout the state.

This Washington State Poet Laureate will share her passion for poetry with Whidbey Island Tuesday, Oct. 23 through Thursday, Oct. 25.

Flenniken described her position as Poet Laureate as an ?ambassador? for poetry around the state. She applied for the position and serves from 2012 to 2014. The program is funded by private and federal funds and overseen by Humanities Washington and the Washington State Arts Commission.

Over her three-day visit, Flenniken will spend most of the time holding workshops for Oak Harbor, Coupeville and South Whidbey schools and she will hold two public readings, the first at 7 p.m. Tuesday,?Oct. 23 at the Coupeville Library and the second at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24 at the Freeland Library.

As Poet Laureate, Flenniken said one of her priorities is teaching in classrooms, especially to third- through fifth-grade students.

?I think the most important thing I can convey to them is that poetry can be fun and language is a great tool for creation,? Flenniken said. In an effort to introduce people to other voices in poetry, Flenniken likes to share poems by other Washington poets, too.

?We are very excited about Washington State Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken?s visit to Olympic View Elementary. As an educator, I hope to build an audience for poetry and encourage future poets through her presentation,? said Amy Coleman, Olympic View Elementary School fourth-grade teacher.

?Reading is the cornerstone of student success in all content areas across K-12 education. New Common Core Reading Standards for kindergarten through fifth grade currently under consideration across the nation and in Washington state define literature as stories, drama and poetry. As an elementary teacher, I can tell you that students love both reading and writing poetry,? Coleman continued. ?Many of us are familiar with Carl Sandburg?s famous poem ?Fog? and its very accessible use of metaphor, ?The fog comes on little cat feet.? Students quickly respond to these images, or pictures in their heads, that poetry can create. The use of figurative language requires readers to use higher level thinking skills when they read and write poetry.?

Flenniken will also hold a workshop for middle and high school teachers.

?One of our big pushes is real world application and real world writing and having a published author is obviously a very exciting thing for us,? said Erik Christensen, Oak Harbor High School teacher. ?We?re looking forward to getting some poetry instruction we can use with kids.?

Those attending the public readings can enjoy Flenniken?s published poetry as well as a taste of her new work.

?This is a real honor to have Kathleen present in our schools and our community.

I would encourage anyone ? poets and wanna-be poets ? to attend for an evening of poetry you will not forget. Thanks to Molly Cook, Michele Coleman and the Whidbey Island Arts Council for bringing our Washington State Poet Laureate to Whidbey Island,? said Leslie Franzen, Coupeville Library branch manager.


The examined life

For Flenniken, ?poetry is a way of understanding my life.? After a career as a civil engineer, Flenniken didn?t discover poetry until she was in her thirties.

?I took a night class in poetry and fell in love with it,? Flenniken said. When she quit work to stay home with her young children, she took up writing poetry.

Flenniken published her first book of poetry, ?Famous,? after eight years of work. She described the topics of her poetry as ?raising children and parents passing away ? domestic life.?

?Famous? earned her the Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry and was named a Notable Book by the American Library Association.

In her second book, ?Plume,? Flenniken takes a look at growing up in Richland near the Hanford Nuclear Site. She began by writing about her memories of growing up in Richland and a friend whose dad died from radiation illness.

?Then from those personal poems,?I moved to doing research about the Hanford Site and wrote a series of poems based on the research, then from there, I moved on to what I thought about this,? Flenniken said.

?I think we?re always looking for ourselves in art, for ways of finding and expressing our experiences through art. Poetry is a wonderful way of expressing what?s going on in our lives,? Flenniken said.

Currently, she?s working on a book of poetry paralleling marriage with her relationship to her country.

Another goal Flenniken set for herself as Poet Laureate is to visit all?39 counties in the state. So far, she has made it to about 14 counties.

?I?m really looking forward to this visit to Whidbey,? Flenniken said. She visited Whidbey once before to read at the Burning Word Poetry Festival at the Greenbank Farm. ?I?m very excited. I know there?s a very great poetry community on Whidbey and I know they?re a cohesive group and very supportive of each other.?



Poet Laureate public readings

7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23 at the Coupeville Library.

Location: 788 NW Alexander St.; 678-4911.

7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24 at the Freeland Library.

Location: 5495 Harbor Ave.; 331-7323.

For more information, visit


Contact South Whidbey Record Reporter Rebecca Olson at


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Anime Characterization Disease

Anime Characterization Disease

Apparently there's now a disease that gives everyday people the features of an anime character. Go figure.


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Not-for-Profit But Still a Business - iDatix

?Charities should be run more like businesses. They are so slow and inefficient.? You hear those words over and over from volunteers fresh from executive positions with major corporations. I used to think that too.

Yet, once I had the opportunity to work with charities, my perspective changed.


Not-for-profits don?t have to conform with stock market rules or file tax returns, so you?d think their accounting systems would be simple. Not true.

Businesses have a great deal of freedom in how they spend their money. When you buy a widget, you don?t spend a lot of time thinking about whether the company will invest the profits from the sale into research, executive bonuses or product development.

On the other hand, charities have to attach a flag to every dollar of revenue because someone will want a detailed report about how that dollar was spent. Business systems for non-profits need to show a high amount of transparency, keeping separate buckets (usually called ?funds?) for each source and intended use of the funding.


Not-for-profits have a reputation for using obsolete technology, but consider for a moment how important their online and social media profiles are for charities.

Imagine running WorldVision or the Foster Parents Plan without software to manage the thousands of images of the individual children being sponsored by the programs.

How would you manage all of the Terry Fox runs for cancer across the country without systems to back you up?

You may not see the latest and greatest technology in a not-for-profit.

They have to be frugal.

But when it?s mission critical, charities invest in systems.

Decision Making

Businesses tend to have a clear chain of command, with decisions being made from the top. If you have 50% of the shares plus 1, you control a company.

Not-for-profits put time into achieving a consensus among stakeholders. The issue is simple: not-for-profits rely on members, volunteers, donors and other funders. These stakeholders are free to leave at any point. A vote that splits 60% / 40% is fine for a business, but it could be a disaster for a charity.

Finally, businesses have to react quickly to changing conditions. When someone starts eating your lunch, you don?t have time to let them finish the meal!

Not-for-profits tend to have a longer time horizon. World hunger will not be solved this year or probably even in my lifetime. Cancer is not the death sentence it used to be, but we still need years of research into its cure. The stability of funding is more important than beating last quarter?s sales.

Working with or volunteering for charities is not only a way to give back to the community, it?s also a way to learn. Not-for-profits need good management. After all, they?re in business too!

More by Bill Kennedy:

  • Habits of Very Successful Accountants: 3 Tips for Effective Communication
  • The Evolution of Workflow
  • Habits of Very Successful Accountants: Upgrading Annually
  • Source:

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    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    Samsung Galaxy Note II Will Hit AT&T Stores November 9 For $299, Pre-Orders Begin October 25

    samsung-galaxy-note-2AT&T has just announced that the Samsung Galaxy Note II, the next big thing to come out of the South Korean electronics maker, will be available on blue carrier shelves starting November 9. Online pre-orders begin October 25, around the same time that the phone will be released on Sprint.


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    Tamara: Profitable Article Marketing - Top 7 Reasons to ... - My ...

    Article Marketing is one of the best strategies to build your online business around. The recent Google Panda Update is said to have severely hurt Article Marketing. To the contrary, the Panda Update actually helped Article Marketing a great deal, by getting rid of the black hat creeps and allowing the cream to rise to the top.

    So now is actually the best time to use, and even build your business around, Article Marketing. In addition, here are 7 more great reasons to get started now:

    Top 7 Reasons to Build Your Online Business with Article Marketing

    1 - You get a better quality customer - While Social Marketing is all the rage, the customer you get has read a 140 character tweet, or a brief Facebook update on a brief LinkedIn update. So they have not done much to qualify themselves. When someone reads your 400 - 500 word article, they have done much more to qualify themselves. In fact, between someone who has passively watched a 3 minute YouTube video and someone who has actively read a 400- 500 word article, I'll take the article reader every time.

    2 - Fewer people do it and do it well - So why is that an advantage? Simple, less clutter. So you get noticed more. Anyone that can fog up a mirror can tweet on Twitter or update on Facebook or LinkedIn. It takes special skill to create an article that informs, solves problems, and compels the reader to take action.

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    Green Roof and Green Wall Market Growing ... - Environmental Leader

    Green roofs and green walls will grow from a $5.3 billion market in 2011 into a $7.7 billion market in 2017, driven by mandates and incentives in cities worldwide, according to Lux Research. But while installations will increase 70 percent to 204 million square meters, costs and lack of validation will limit their rise.

    Green roofs will account for $7 billion of the 2017 market, presenting a $2 billion opportunity to suppliers of polymeric materials such as geosynthetic fabrics and waterproof membranes, according to Building-Integrated Vegetation: Redefining the Landscape or Chasing a Mirage?

    Green walls, meanwhile, will swell to a $680 million market, using $200 million worth of materials such as self-supporting polyurethane foam growth media.

    Rapid urbanization over the past 50 years has caused air pollution, urban heat-island effects and loss of green spaces. To combat these and other environmental issues, cities such as Copenhagen, London, Singapore and Chicago have issued mandates or incentives for vegetated roofs to reduce storm-water volume, clean air pollutants, reduce the heat-island effect and sequester carbon dioxide.

    However, it?s difficult to monetize the environmental benefits of green roofs and walls, and some wonder if building-integrated vegetation is merely a ?green curiosity,? says Aditya Ranade, Lux Research senior analyst and the lead author of the report.

    While green roofs and walls do offer a multitude of environmental benefits, they face obstacles to widespread implementation, the report says. Installed cost ? $300/m2 to $500/m2 for green roofs and $900/m2 to $1,100/m2 for green walls ? is far higher than alternatives.

    And while adoption is driven by a handful of cities in the developed world, growth in the developing world will depend on the global economic market.

    The report forecasts more building material suppliers will develop building-integrated vegetation materials and create special grades of waterproof membranes and geosynthetic fabrics suited for building-integrated vegetation. Products will improve as the market becomes more mainstream and more performance standards are established.

    In other green roof news, new research funded by the UK?s Royal Horticultural Society and Portugal?s Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia found green-roof plants other than sedums may help cool air temperatures more effectively, Energy Manager Today reports. The study looked at the possibility of using different plants ? sedum, Stachys byzantina, Hedera hibernica and Bergenia cordifolia ? for green roofs. Sedum is currently the most popular, according to RHS.

    Photo Credit: Green Roof Blocks

    Stay Up-to-Date On Environmental Management, Energy & Sustainability News with EL's Free Daily Newsletter



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    Monday, October 22, 2012

    Split-personality elliptical galaxy holds a hidden spiral

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Most big galaxies fit into one of two camps: pinwheel-shaped spiral galaxies and blobby elliptical galaxies. Spirals like the Milky Way are hip and happening places, with plenty of gas and dust to birth new stars. Ellipticals are like cosmic retirement villages, full of aging residents in the form of red giant stars. Now, astronomers have discovered that one well-known elliptical has a split personality. Centaurus A is hiding a gassy spiral in its center.

    "No other elliptical galaxy is known to have spiral arms," said lead author Daniel Espada (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan & Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics). "Centaurus A may be an old galaxy, but it's still very young at heart."

    Centaurus A isn't your typical elliptical to begin with. Its most striking feature is a dark dust lane across its middle -- a sign that it swallowed a spiral galaxy about 300 million years ago.

    Centaurus A slurped that galaxy's gases down, forming a disk that we see nearly edge on. From our point of view, any features in that disk have been hidden by the intervening dust.

    To tease out the disk's structure, Espada and his colleagues used the sharp vision of the Smithsonian's Submillimeter Array. This radio telescope can see through dust to pick up signals from naturally occurring carbon monoxide gas. By mapping the gas, the team unveiled two distinct spiral arms within the galaxy's core.

    These gaseous tendrils have sizes and shapes similar to spiral arms in galaxies like the Milky Way. Also like the Milky Way's spiral arms, they are forming new generations of stars.

    "Centaurus A has been given a new lease on life by that past merger," said Espada.

    Computer simulations suggest that the spiral features might endure for hundreds of millions of years to come.

    Although Centaurus A is the first elliptical galaxy found to have spiral arms, it may not be the last. Since it's only 12 million light-years away, it's relatively nearby and easy to study. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) potentially can find more split-personality galaxies with its improved radio "vision."

    "We definitely will use ALMA to search for other objects that are similar to Centaurus A," added Espada.

    These findings were published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

    Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. D. Espada, S. Matsushita, A. B. Peck, C. Henkel, F. Israel, D. Iono. Disentangling the Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A: Gaseous Spiral Arms in a Giant Elliptical Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal, 2012; 756 (1): L10 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/756/1/L10

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Vietnam Human Resources Day 2012 opens ? TalkVietnam

    (VOV) ? More than 1,000 entrepreneurs, directors, economists and managers participated in Vietnam Human Resources Day 2012 (Vietnam HR Day) at the White Palace Convention Centre in HCM City on October 21.

    This was an open forum to connect businesses leaders and the human resources from EduViet Corporation, the Vietnam Young Business Association, Hanoi National Economics University, Vietnam Human Resource Forum ? and Vietnam Director Human Resources Club.

    Participants focused on discussing solutions to improve the management capacity of Vietnamese businesses.

    In addition, an exchange was held between entrepreneurs, students and labourers about business leadership and staff motivation.


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    Celtics 109, Knicks 98: Real Estate just went up in Copeland ...

    Chris Copeland was the star of Saturday's Knicks loss to the Boston Celtics. His 34 points led an undermanned Knicks squad to a surprisingly offensive effective night against Boston's B-squad, albeit a unit that included Rajon Rondo, Jeff Green and Jason Terry.

    Hey everyone! What's up? Watchin' some football? Cool. Sorry this recap is up so late, I was entranced by some foliage. Last night's loss to the Celtics contained some thought nuggets, particularly concerning roster decisions. Chris Copeland's sterling performance from nearly every spot on the floor may have secured him a spot on the Knicks' bench, beating out the likes of John Shurna, Oscar Bellfield and Mychel Thompson, each of whom looked pretty bad. Let's get a little deepah.

    I suppose I can't mention Copeland's excellent offensive game without mentioning Jeff Green. The Celtics forward, who was under the knife mere months ago for a heart condition, looks impossibly fit and polished. As a fan of the former Hoya, I couldn't be happier for him. As a Knicks fan, I'm aggravated the albatross contract Boston offered him might actually look like a real investment. Green was dashing and splashing on the wings every bit as much as Copeland most of the game, and a big reason the Celtics took the game in the second half is because Green had a partner.

    Although Steve Novak provided some timely threes, Jason Terry showed up wearing green like a little asshole and splashed universally (Terry and Green combined to shoot 7 of 11 from beyond the arc). A big question mark for the Celtics this season looked to be their bench offense. Welp, the Terry/Green pick and roll may solve that issue, in addition to their acquisition of a surefire future Knick-killer, Jared Sullinger (10 points, game high eight rebounds).

    Save for the screaming exception of Copeland, the Knicks' fringe guys looked bad. John Shurna played 13 strange minutes, during which he missed every shot but drew four free throws (he hit three), and snargled three boards. He didn't exactly look good, though, and Mychel Thompson followed suit. He missed most of his shots in his 38 minutes, but rebounded and dished out some assists I suppose. Oscar Bellfield played his way out of contention for a roster spot, shooting 1-5 and turning the ball over qudrice (four times) in ten minutes.

    James White played a game high 135 minutes, stealing approximately every pass. Other than proving he is a disastrous ballhandler, Flight White scored 16 points on 16 shots and looked defensively zesty indeed. Five steals, yep. I like White if he's not too involved in the offense, but I also cannot wait to see Ronnie Brewer running around.

    Pablo Prigioni was slicing the vegetables while Copeland was cooking the soup, even though he came up empty on each of his half dozen attempts from, as they say "down" town. He only played 23 minutes, but he sliced 9 assists' worth of vegetables and he peeled four rebounds' worth of potatoes. Soup is good, y'all!

    Henry Sims played pretty well in 18 minutes, albeit a foul-basted 18. Steve Novak did his thing from three, going five of nine. Kurt played some minutes and hit a couple baseline jays (copyright 1996). Ray Felton continues to attack at a high rate of speed, proving potentially to provide an excellent contrast to the squad's other point guards. His seven assists in 14 minutes were awesome, and I can't wait to see what he can do during the season.

    The rest of the game was par for the course: Rajon Rondo shredded the Knicks at the rate of a full-game triple double, Courtney Lee was an excellent acquisition, and holy shit Jason Collins hit a shot! A second-half comeback by Boston was pretty nauseating to watch, but preseason is a fickle beast, and too much stock shan't be put into team records.

    I wouldn't expect Chris Copeland to be the first man off the bench during any truly valuable minutes anytime soon. Having said that, I think it's safe to say a few roster-spot fellows on the Knicks didn't look one bit like NBA players last night. One of them certainly did.

    Thanks for reading, sorry this recap came so late in the day! Again; the foliage!

    What's everyone gonna be for Halloween?!

    Also: Hooray! Nobody else got hurt!

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    Sunday, October 21, 2012

    Romantic Camping Trip - Exclusive Travel and Leisure - cituputs ...

    Pair of fun, love camping trip is a great way to create that relationship. You can also travel to plan a trip around a special day.


    Love the camping trip, two natural love, and spend time together watching a rural environment at the appropriate time. Playing horse, biking, fishing, when one spends more time to be able to offer additional activities. You spring and summer temperatures, when the facility is planned to be warm enough to camp was the best most romantic camping trip. We love the weather can not make the right adjustments and accommodation while on a camping trip, a trip can blossom. It will be less than usual, and with a tarpaulin cover, when more rain is expected, before going on a journey, to understand local weather.


    When planning a camping trip to find time, you must do so in advance of a few weeks, the first step should be. When selecting a site for a camp, you can be sure that your lover will have a lot of privacy ? you choose location where a semi-isolated away from the other camp. A trip on the two measures will soon understand that. This should ensure that you have the right swimsuit style bike ride, and equipment to create the item. The need to create a list, so do not forget anything.


    RV camp in the car on the use of a wide range of Camper trailer truck, motor home, or pop the car is traveling. The old camp, you can choose a tent or hut. Some campers and a sleeping bag or blanket to use concrete with raw nature. You have water, electricity and other equipment base AA and love a trip to camp, take, or wood lot to choose from, it will be like, you lack, such as fire, light Grill on cooking a tripod and a bright love to act, and battery-powered portable, to a flashlight.


    Lakes and rivers for boating and water near the camp of Canoeing. This is good for the body to be active, a great way to share some time alone. Background on the nature of the integration, the Woods camp, background, love, nature. It provides a comfortable and romantic environment because, campfire, fire starter, please do so. You through water and lunch or a romantic dinner, you can eat in the camp or units. Table, wild flowers such as tea sets can create an atmosphere of natural products such as candles and bombs. A pleasant music in the background, you can create a natural sound. A relaxed and comfortable with ambiguity, coordination and feather pillow and blanket lavender ? the smell of feathers, we will create an oasis bedroom to make love. Bring your camera to take pictures of the test.


    Camping trip memorable romantic camping trip is a collection of components that can operate smoothly, it would be useful to reduce the level of tension. The success of the camp experience is necessary for the packing of goods. The preparation of food is a food and travel arrangements, lightweight materials and plastic materials for packaging heavy and relaxed in an air-lock container. As long as the food?s not as perishable as it?s recorded. I cook the meat to prevent corruption, or the first day of camp, vegetables and fresh food stored in a cooler, can be. Security, and other materials in order to ensure, fire starter lighter and flammable, do this alone. Index card, or some quotes Shakespeare in love, create your own, you have to add on to act out of love. Romantic couple camping trip to enjoy the outdoors and spend some time with the car from everyday life and allows one beat ?em up.


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    Microsoft Surface pre-orders in Canada, UK are not delayed (Update)

    Microsoft Surface preorderers in Canada, UK report release dates pushed back to November 2nd

    Microsoft's Surface for Windows RT appears to be flying off the virtual shelves, however it seems some of the customers who've pre-ordered will be waiting about a week longer than they thought. We've received several tips from readers in Canada and the UK indicating they've received emails (as seen above, check after the break for similar reports from Twitter) explaining that their tablets will be shipping on November 2nd, instead of October 26th as originally scheduled when they put their requests in days ago. There's no reason currently listed for the delay, however we have contacted Microsoft for further comment on the situation. Currently the Surface is listed as completely sold out on the UK and Canada Microsoft Store sites, and in the US all three variants are no longer promised for delivery on release date. It's been reported that Microsoft is building up to five million of the devices for launch this fall, hopefully they can all find their way to good homes sooner rather than later.

    Update: A Microsoft spokesperson has responded, informing us that the emails sent out were incorrect, so "all customers should expect their devices by the original date given." It will be following up with customers to let them know their shipping date has not changed, and you can read the full statement for yourself after the break.

    [Thanks to Jack, everyone who sent this in]

    Continue reading Microsoft Surface pre-orders in Canada, UK are not delayed (Update)

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    Microsoft Surface pre-orders in Canada, UK are not delayed (Update) originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Oct 2012 03:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Saturday, October 20, 2012

    1 dead, 6 seriously injured in Arizona bus crash

    An Arizona Highway Patrol officer examines the exterior of a tour bus that careened off the highway and crashed off northbound highway 93, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, near Willow Beach, Ariz. The crash killed the driver and left at least four passengers with serious injuries. About 45 other passengers were less seriously hurt and not all of them required hospital treatment, the Arizona Highway Patrol said. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

    An Arizona Highway Patrol officer examines the exterior of a tour bus that careened off the highway and crashed off northbound highway 93, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, near Willow Beach, Ariz. The crash killed the driver and left at least four passengers with serious injuries. About 45 other passengers were less seriously hurt and not all of them required hospital treatment, the Arizona Highway Patrol said. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

    An Arizona Highway Patrol officer walks across the scene of an accident in which a tour bus careened off the highway and crashed off northbound Highway 93, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, near Willow Beach, Ariz. The crash killed the driver and left at least four passengers with serious injuries. About 45 other passengers were less seriously hurt and not all of them required hospital treatment, the Arizona Highway Patrol said. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

    Arizona Highway Patrol officers examine the exterior of a tour bus that careened off the highway and crashed off northbound Highway 93, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, near Willow Beach, Ariz. The crash killed the driver and left at least four passengers with serious injuries. About 45 other passengers were less seriously hurt and not all of them required hospital treatment, the Arizona Highway Patrol said. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

    Arizona Highway Patrol officers examine the exterior of a tour bus that careened off the highway and crashed off northbound Highway 93, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, near Willow Beach, Ariz. The crash killed the driver and left at least four passengers with serious injuries. About 45 other passengers were less seriously hurt and not all of them required hospital treatment, the Arizona Highway Patrol said. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

    Arizona Highway Patrol officers carry the body of the driver of a tour bus that left the highway and crashed off northbound highway 93, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012, near Willow Beach, Ariz. The crash left at least four passengers with serious injuries, and about 45 other passengers were less seriously hurt and not all of them required hospital treatment, the Arizona Highway Patrol said. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

    (AP) ? A charter bus carrying tourists back from the Grand Canyon careened off a northwest Arizona highway late Friday night and crashed, killing the driver and injuring more than 20 passengers, six of them seriously, authorities said.

    The bus was northbound on Highway 93 and nearing the Nevada state line when the driver suffered a physical problem and lost control shortly before 8 p.m., the Arizona highway patrol said.

    The vehicle hit a ravine, tore up a small hill, and then bounced and lurched over rough terrain for more than 700 feet before stopping, damaging the front end but remaining upright, patrol spokesman Carrick R. Cook said.

    "We believe the driver experienced some sort of the medical condition and he just went off the road," the patrol said in a statement. No other vehicles were involved.

    All 48 passengers were injured, but 27 of them were walking wounded with mainly bumps and bruises, Cook said.

    "The passengers were pretty much bouncing around," he said.

    The six most seriously hurt were flown by helicopter to University Medical Center in Las Vegas, while 15 others with less severe injuries were rushed to area hospitals by road.

    UMC spokeswoman Danita Cohen said the six were being treated for nonlife-threatening injuries, such as broken bones and lacerations. She described them as being mostly over 50 years old.

    Cook said most of the passengers appeared to be from Asia or Europe, but he didn't have details.

    The passengers were returning to Las Vegas following a trip to the Grand Canyon when the crash occurred.

    It was the third time in recent years that a tour bus crash in the area claimed lives.

    Two years ago, two people were killed and several others injured in a crash on an area highway. In January 2009, seven people died and 10 were injured when a charter bus carrying a group of Chinese tourists on a return trip from the Grand Canyon crashed on U.S. 93, the main highway leading to Hoover Dam.

    Four hours after the crash, the bus was sitting upright about 30 feet off the shoulder of the road.

    The highway near the crash site was reduced to one lane of traffic for several hours.


    AP writer Bob Seavey in Phoenix contributed to this story.

    Associated Press


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    HBT: A-Rod won't waive his no-trade clause

    The Yankees have been ousted from the postseason, but the saga of Alex Rodriguez continues.

    Rodriguez told Peter Botte of the New York Daily News after today?s loss to the Tigers that he has no plans to waive his no-trade clause and intends to return to the Yankees next season.

    ?That?s correct. I will be back. I have a lot to prove.?

    Bob Nightengale of USA Today reported this morning that while Rodriguez wouldn?t request a trade, he also wouldn?t stand in the way of a deal to another large-market team. Meanwhile, Jon Heyman of reported this afternoon that the Marlins and Dodgers ?thus far seem far less than anxious to acquire? Rodriguez. Of course, a lot can change over the course of the offseason and we?re just getting started.

    After posting a career-low .783 OPS in 122 games during the regular season, Rodriguez went 3-for-25 (.120) with 12 strikeouts during the postseason and lost playing time and at-bats to the likes of Eric Chavez and Raul Ibanez. The 37-year-old is still owed $114 million over the next five seasons, so the Yankees would likely have to cover a significant portion of his contract in order to make a deal feasible.


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    Friday, October 19, 2012

    Navy to clean contaminated Guantanamo offices

    AAA??Oct. 18, 2012?2:46 PM ET
    Navy to clean contaminated Guantanamo offices

    In this photo reviewed by the U.S. Department of Defense, towers overlooking a U.S. detention facility are silhouetted against a morning sunrise at Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, Cuba, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. Pre-trial hearings continue for five Guantanamo prisoners facing charges related to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, that include terrorism, conspiracy and murder. (AP Photo/Toronto Star, Michelle Shephard, Pool)

    In this photo reviewed by the U.S. Department of Defense, towers overlooking a U.S. detention facility are silhouetted against a morning sunrise at Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, Cuba, Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. Pre-trial hearings continue for five Guantanamo prisoners facing charges related to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, that include terrorism, conspiracy and murder. (AP Photo/Toronto Star, Michelle Shephard, Pool)

    In this photo reviewed by the U.S. Department of Defense, a U.S. flag waves above the the Camp Justice compound, during day three of pre-trial hearings for the five Guantanamo prisoners accused of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001 attack, at Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, Cuba, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012. The the five Guantanamo prisoners face charges that include terrorism, conspiracy and 2,976 counts of murder, one count for each known victim of the attacks at the time the charges were filed. They could get the death penalty if convicted. (AP Photo/Toronto Star, Michelle Shephard, Pool)

    (AP) ? The U.S. Navy is promising to clean up offices at the Guantanamo Bay navy base that defense lawyers say are dangerously contaminated with rat droppings and mold.

    A Navy official told the judge in the Sept. 11 war crimes tribunal on Thursday that a comprehensive cleanup will be completed before the court reconvenes at the U.S. base in Cuba next month. Capt. Michael Lebowitz said occupational health experts will ensure the offices meet safety standards.

    Attorneys for some of the five prisoners charged in the Sept. 11 attacks have complained their offices are so contaminated that lawyers and paralegal have repeatedly suffered respiratory ailments. Some have required medical treatment at the tropical base. The issue has repeatedly interrupted this week's pretrial hearing in the Sept. 11 case.

    Associated Press


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    Katatni elected as Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood party chief

    CAIRO (Reuters) - The Muslim Brotherhood's political party, Egypt's biggest, chose veteran conservative Saad al-Katatni as its new leader on Friday to replace Mohamed Mursi who went on to become his country's first elected president.

    Katatni, 61, a microbiologist who joined the Islamist movement in 1979, is seen as more conservative than his main challenger for the post, Essam el-Erian, and less ready to compromise with liberals and leftists.

    He was speaker of the first parliament after a popular uprising toppled autocratic president Hosni Mubarak, an assembly dominated by the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and ultraconservative Salafis.

    Liberals occasionally walked out of the assembly, protesting that their Islamist opponents were intent on railroading through their legislative agenda while ignoring the views of others.

    The legislature was dissolved by court order in June after the rules of the parliamentary election were challenged. A court is to rule on October 23 on whether the assembly that is to draft Egypt's new constitution is legal.

    Katatni took 67 percent of 866 votes by members of the FJP's general committee, or executive, on Friday.

    Analysts expect no major policy change within Egypt's best-organized Islamist group, saying it was Katatni's calm, consensual stance within the movement that won him the leadership vote.

    "I am indebted for this trust," Katatni said in a speech after the result was announced. "Egypt is waiting for us, the Freedom and Justice Party, to lead the political scene."

    He said the role of the FJP, which has around 400,000 members, was to "implement righteous rule based on Islamic sharia laws," prompting loud applause from his audience.

    (Additional reporting by Mohamed Abdellah and Omar Fahmy, writing by Yasmine Saleh, editing by Mark Heinrich)


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